full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Olivier Scalabre: The next manufacturing revolution is here

Unscramble the Blue Letters

After all of our attempts to fix the mafrcntunaiug model failed, we tuohhgt growth could come from elsewhere. We turned to the tech scetor — there's been quite a lot of innovations there. Just to name one: the Internet. We hoped it could produce growth. And indeed, it changed our lives. It made big wveas in the media, the service, the entertainment spaces. But it hasn't done much for productivity. Actually, what's surprising is that povriucttdiy is on the decline despite all of those innovation efforts. Imagine that — sitting at work, scrolling through fbcooeak, watching videos on YouTube has made us less productive. Weird.

Open Cloze

After all of our attempts to fix the _____________ model failed, we _______ growth could come from elsewhere. We turned to the tech ______ — there's been quite a lot of innovations there. Just to name one: the Internet. We hoped it could produce growth. And indeed, it changed our lives. It made big _____ in the media, the service, the entertainment spaces. But it hasn't done much for productivity. Actually, what's surprising is that ____________ is on the decline despite all of those innovation efforts. Imagine that — sitting at work, scrolling through ________, watching videos on YouTube has made us less productive. Weird.


  1. manufacturing
  2. facebook
  3. productivity
  4. waves
  5. thought
  6. sector

Original Text

After all of our attempts to fix the manufacturing model failed, we thought growth could come from elsewhere. We turned to the tech sector — there's been quite a lot of innovations there. Just to name one: the Internet. We hoped it could produce growth. And indeed, it changed our lives. It made big waves in the media, the service, the entertainment spaces. But it hasn't done much for productivity. Actually, what's surprising is that productivity is on the decline despite all of those innovation efforts. Imagine that — sitting at work, scrolling through Facebook, watching videos on YouTube has made us less productive. Weird.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
manufacturing revolution 6
fourth manufacturing 3
big manufacturing 2
manufacturing revolutions 2
cheap labor 2
large technological 2
advanced robots 2
lead time 2
trade flows 2
emerging economies 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
fourth manufacturing revolution 2

Important Words

  1. attempts
  2. big
  3. changed
  4. decline
  5. efforts
  6. entertainment
  7. facebook
  8. failed
  9. fix
  10. growth
  11. hoped
  12. imagine
  13. innovation
  14. innovations
  15. internet
  16. lives
  17. lot
  18. manufacturing
  19. media
  20. model
  21. produce
  22. productive
  23. productivity
  24. scrolling
  25. sector
  26. service
  27. sitting
  28. spaces
  29. surprising
  30. tech
  31. thought
  32. turned
  33. videos
  34. watching
  35. waves
  36. weird
  37. work
  38. youtube